

Home Data Acquisition

Propose your own solution to the e-Cassini community

GeoCassini 's open program for any application publisher who wishes to:

Use data from the e-Cassini Database (with the agreement of their owners)

Harness the power of the GeoCassini application

Promote your own solution within the
e-Cassini community.

GeoStore is aimed at publishers of both business solutions and artificial intelligence algorithms.

GeoStore is built around the use of the GeoCassini Rest API library.

API Rest library groups together,
in the form of sections, the projects,
users & available data.

An API (Application Programming Interface) consists of code that allows two software programs to communicate. An open API is an application programming interface that allows the developer to access a proprietary software application programmatically.

The e-Cassini solution integrates this functionality which makes it possible to associate data available in Open Data.

Exploit Open Data from API Rest

Instantly access existing data concerning the cadastral plan, network infrastructure data (drinking water, sanitation, public lighting, electricity, gas, telephone, etc.), PCRS, topographic canvas points, etc.

e-Cassini identifies, geolocates and makes available to you the links which can constitute for you a source of information usable in cloud mode via the application.

Join our community of publishers & offer more visibility to your solution!